Tuesday, October 7, 2014

M S Dhoni – Childhood And Early Days – Pre 2004

  Whenever one comes across the expression ‘rags to riches’ regarding the rise of any individual then the thought that comes to the mind of most individuals is that the person might have got lucky or that he might have been blessed by the presence of a guardian angel. However, whenever you consider the life of Mahendra Singh Dhoni from a life of relative obscurity to one of global fame, then the words that would come to mind would be talent, hard work, intelligence and the willingness to learn. Dhoni was not a teenage prodigy who was plucked out of league cricket and installed in the Indian team but he was someone who well and truly came up through the ranks; having played all levels of domestic cricket before making his debut.
However, something that is not often a part of discussions is the early life of Mahendra Singh Dhoni and if one starts exploring it he will find a fascinating journey from the by lanes of Ranchi to world domination.

The Childhood Years

Mahendra Singh Dhoni had always been a bit of a sportsman right from the time when he used to be in the 5th standard at DAV Shyamali in Ranchi and truth be told, he has acknowledged that his parents always encouraged him to participate in sporting endeavors, without putting undue pressure on him regarding the rat race of education. That is something you can notice in the way Dhoni conducts himself on the cricket field. He is a fierce competitor no doubt but he treats the game as a game without letting it affect him personally and that is the reason why you would never see him shouting animatedly at his bowlers or fielders when things go awry. His father Pan Singh was employed at the junior levels at MECON and hence there wasn’t an abundance of money in the family but they were not desperately poor either.
1x1.trans M S Dhoni   Childhood And Early Days   Pre 2004
Image of MS Dhoni – Playing Cricket As A Child

Turning Point

Dhoni was never interested in cricket when he was a child but he was someone who excelled in badminton and football, in which he played as a goalkeeper. Cricket was a game that he used to play once in a while in his locality but badminton and football were the games in which he represented his school as well as his district. However, it all changed one fine day when he was asked to play for a local club as a wicket keeper since their regular ‘keeper was indisposed. Now, since Dhoni was a goalkeeper in football, he had the basic agility that was required to become a good ‘keeper and so it was in this game he first announced himself as a wicket keeper of rare ability.
1x1.trans M S Dhoni   Childhood And Early Days   Pre 2004
Image of Dhoni With Medal In His Early Years
From then on, he went from strength to strength as a cricketer but there was no apparent breakthrough other than the fact that he was getting selected regularly in grade cricket. However, Dhoni realized that he needed a job in order to sustain his family and so it was in the year 2000 that he was took up the job of a train ticket examiner or TTE in the Indian Railways. For those who might have traveled in Eastern railway might have encountered Dhoni as a TTE during those years between 2000 and 2003. This was however the best decision that he could have taken since as an employee of the Indian Railways he was able to play cricket for a strong domestic cricket side and truth be told, it was his stint with the Railways that really thrust him into the limelight.
It was in 2004 that he was eventually selected for India and the rest as we all know would surely be a part of modern Indian history.

        Real Ghost Story In Hindi (भूतों की 13 सच्ची कहानियां)

 1.रेहम हॉल की ब्राउन लेडी (Brown lady of raynham hall)

Brown lady of raynham hall

नोरफॉक इंग्लैंड के रेहम हॉल में 1936 में कैमरे में कैद हुए इस साये को ब्राउन लेडी कहा जाता था। इसमें भूरे रंग के बूटेदार कपड़े पहनी हुई महिला को देखा गया था। इसका नाम लेडी डोरोथी थाजो चार्ल्स टाउनशेंड नामक व्यक्ति की दूसरी पत्नी थी।
महिला को विश्वासघात करने पर सजा के रूप में घर में बंद कर दिया था। बाद में उसकी मौत हो गई थी। कई लोगों के साथ जॉर्ज पंचम ने भी कहा था कि उन्होंने एक भूरी महिला को देखा है। अंत में एक दिन उसकी तस्वीर देख कर उनके होश उड़ गए। बाद में यह तस्वीर लाइफ मैगजीन में भी प्रकाशित हुई।

2.बैचलर ग्रोव कब्रिस्तान का भूत (Ghost of bachelor grove cemetery)

ghost of bachelor grove cemetery

शिकागो का यह कब्रिस्तान अपनी कुछ अजीबोगरीब हालात के कारण बंद कर दिया गया। 1999 में घोस्ट रिसर्च सोसायटी के सदस्यों ने इस कब्रिस्तान की जांच के दौरान अपने हाइस्पीड इन्फ्रारेड कैमरे से कई तस्वीरें ली थी। जब यह फिल्म डेवलप होकर आईं तो कई लोगों के होश उड़ गए। एक तस्वीर में एक अदृश्य महिला बहुत पुराने जमाने के कपड़े पहने हुए दिखाई दी।

3.मुझे भूल गए क्या भाई ? (Ferguson ghost)

Ferguson ghost

1968 में लॉस एंजिलिस में अध्यात्मवादी सम्मेलन में लेखक रॉबर्ट ए. फर्ग्यूसन भाषण दे रहे थे। कई फोटोग्राफर उनकी तस्वीरें ले रहे थे। लेकिन एक फोटोग्राफर की तस्वीर में उनके पीछे एक व्यक्ति का साया देखा गया। यह इतिहास की सबसे बड़ी घटना भी मानी जाती है। बाद में फर्ग्यूसन ने जांच करयह स्वीकार किया कि यह उनका भाई वॉल्टर थाजिसकी मृत्यु द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के दौरान हो गई थी।

4.कब्र पर छोटे बच्चे का साया (Grave ghost )

Grave ghost

ऑस्ट्रेलिया के क्वींसलैंड में एक मां अपनी बेटी की कब्र पर हर बार शोक करने आती थी। श्रीमती एंड्रयू ने बेटी की कब्र की एक तस्वीर ली थी। जब उसे फिल्म रोल को डेवलप करवाया तो उन्हें अपनी आंखों पर विश्वास नहीं हुआ। तस्वीर में कब्र पर एक छोटे बच्चे का साया दिखाई दे रहा था। वह श्रीमती एंड्रयू को घूर-घूर कर देख रहा था। बाद में जांच में पाया गया कि उनकी बेटी की कब्र के पास ही दो छोटी बच्चियों की भी कब्र थीजो तस्वीर में थी।

5.सेफ्टन चर्च का भूत (Sefton church ghost)

sefton church ghost

ग्रेट ब्रिटेन अपने भूतों से जुड़े किस्सों के लिए मशहूर है। सेफ्टन चर्च भी इससे अछूता नहीं है। एक बार चर्च में प्रार्थना के दौरान आने वाले भक्त ने दूर खड़े काले साये को को कैमरे में कैद किया।

6.वर्स्टटीड चर्च में व्हाइट लेडी भूत (White lady ghost of wherstead church)

White lady ghost of wherstead church

1975 की बात है। बर्थलॉट परिवार रोजाना चर्च में प्रार्थना करने जाता था। उस दौरान श्रीमती बर्थलॉट एंटीबायोटिक्स पर जी रही थीं। वे बेंच पर बैठ कर प्रार्थना कर रही थीं और दूर बैठे उनके पति तस्वीर ले रहे थे।

जब तस्वीरें बन कर आईं तो श्रीमती के पीछे सफेद औरत का भूत बैठा हुआ था। इस तरह की कहानी वहां प्रचलित हो गई थी कि अगर कोई भी व्यक्ति प्रार्थना के दौरान झुकता है तो वह साया उसके पास आ जाता है।

7.डिसेबल होटल का भूत (Ghost of Disebal hotel)

Ghost of Disebal hotel

डिसेबल होटल रोमानिया देश का सबसे पुराना होटल है। लोगों का मानना है कि यह होटल एक बड़े प्राचीन जमीन में दफन खजाने के ऊपर बना है और एक काला साया उसकी रक्षा करता है। 2008 में यह बात उस समय पुख्ता हो गईजब 33 साल की विक्टोरिया इवोन ने एक काले साये वाली महिला की तस्वीर खींची।

8.इंग्लैंड के हर्टफोर्डशर में फार्म भूत (Farm ghost)

Farm ghost

2008 में शादी की तस्वीरें खींचने वाले फोटोग्राफर नील सेंडबैक ने हर्टफोर्डशर में एक फार्म की कुछ तस्वीरें उतारीं। यह शादी होने से पहले की लोकेशन थी। नील ने जब कम्प्यूटर में इन तस्वीरों को देखा तो अवाक रह गए।

एक तस्वीर में उन्हें बच्चे का चमकता हुआ भूत दिखाजबकि फोटो लेने के दौरान उस समय कोई नहीं था। लोगों से कुछ घटनाओं के बारे में पूछा गया तो उन्होंने बताया कि यहां पुलिस मुठभेड़ में कई लोग मारे जा चुके हैंजिसमें एक वह भूत वाला लड़का भी था।

9.टेक्सास के सेन एंटोनियो में रेलरोड भूत (Railroad Crossing Ghost)

Railroad Crossing Ghost

सेन एंटोनियो में रेलरोड क्रॉसिंग में अदृश्य महिला का भूत फोटोग्राफ में देखा गया। भूतों की ली गई तस्वीरों में इस तस्वीर पर सबसे ज्यादा बात की गई है। यहां कुछ साल पहले स्कूल के बच्चे कट कर मर गए थे। इसमें मिडल एज महिला को नाइट ड्रेस में दिखाया गया। साथ में उसके साथ एक टेडी बीयर या फिर कुत्ता भी दिखा।

10.यूबाय चर्च का 9 फुट लंबा भूत (Ghost of Ubay Charch)

Ghost of Ubay Charch

इंग्लैंड के उत्तरी यॉर्कशर के न्यूबाय चर्च में 9 फुट लंबा भूत देखने को मिला। यह तस्वीर 1963 में केएफ लॉर्ड ने ली थी। लॉर्ड ने दावा किया कि उस दौरान वहां सामने कोई भी नहीं था। हालांकि इससे चर्च में कोई भी सुपरनेचुरल एक्टीविटी (अलौकिक गतिवधियां) नहीं देखी गईं। चर्च ने भी अतीत में किसी नौ फुट लंबे पादरी और पुजारी के चर्च में सेवाएं देने से इनकार किया था।

11.सच्चा प्यार कभी नहीं मरता (Grandfather's ghost)

Grandfather's ghost

अक्सर लोग दावा करते हैं कि प्यार सच्चा हो तो लोग कभी जुदा नहीं हो सकते। डेनिस रसेल अपनी नाती-पोतों के साथ पिकनिक का मजा ले रही थीं। उनकी एक तस्वीर में उनके पति का भूत दिखा। कुछ साल बाद दादी डेनिस भी चल बसीं।

उनके बच्चों द्वारा 2000 में क्रिसमिस पार्टी की एक फैमिली एलबम देखने के दौरान एक तस्वीर में उनकी स्वर्गीय दादी के साथ बुजुर्ग आदमी के साये को फिर देखा गया। यह उनके डेनिस के पति का भूत था।

12.लॉर्ड कॉम्बरमेर और उनकी पसंदीदा कुर्सी (Ghost of Lord Combarmer)

Ghost of Lord Combarmer

लॉर्ड कॉम्बरमेर बारबडोस के गर्वनर थे। 1891 में उनकी घोड़ागाड़ी के साथ हुए हादसे में मौत हो गई। उनके करियर के दौरान उन्हें ऑफिस की लाइब्रेरी में रखी कुर्सी से बड़ा प्यार था। उनके अंतिम संस्कार के दौरान सिबेल कॉर्बेट ने लाइब्रेरी में एक कैमरा लगा दिया। जब कैमरे द्वारा खींचे हुई तस्वीरों को बनवाया तो कॉम्बरमेर अपनी प्यारी कुर्सी पर बैठे दिखाई दिए।

13.ग्रुप फोटो में साथियों के साथ (Ghost of Fredi Jekson)

Ghost of Fredi Jekson

1919 में मेकैनिक फ्रेडी जैकसन की एक हादसे में मौत हो गई। अगले दिन उसका अंतिम संस्कार कर दिया गया। ठीक दो दिन बाद स्क्वॉर्डन रॉयल नेवी वेसेल ने ग्रुप फोटो खिंचवाया। जैकसन भी इसी टीम को हिस्सा था। इन तस्वीरों को डेवलप करवाने के बाद लोगों को विश्वास नहीं हुआ। मृत जैकसन भी इस तस्वीर का हिस्सा था।यह तस्वीर रिटायर्ड आरएएफ ऑफिसर सर विक्टर गॉडर्ड द्वारा ली गई थी।

Monday, October 6, 2014

                           The True Story of Jesus Christ!

We want you to listen carefully to the greatest story every recorded. It is not a fairy tale or a fable, for the story of Jesus has been documented by not only reliable New Testament writers but by major historians as well. It is a story that can be exciting to you and might possibly change your life. Jesus was born in the year 4 B.C., in the city of David, Bethlehem. He was born of the virgin Mary, fathered in her by the Holy Spirit of God. Angels announced to the world in beautiful song, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is well pleased. One angel in particular announced to them, "Behold I bring you good news of great joy, for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord." Thus the shepherds were invited to pay homage to the new King. Wise men were called from afar by the shining of a glorious star. Later old Simeon and old Anna saw their life's ambition come to pass as they viewed the new child, the Savior, as God had promised them they would before they died.
Jesus was raised in the small rural town of Nazareth, where His adoptive father, Joseph, taught him to use the tools of a carpenter. It was hard work, work requiring much manual labor, skill, an eye for construction and body that could bear up to hours of sweating in the hot sun. It produced hands made coarse from touching rough wood. For many years Jesus worked in the trade of being a carpenter.
At the age of 30 Jesus sought out John the Baptist, at first John refused to baptize Jesus saying, that he felt unworthy to touch even the sandals of the Son of God. As Jesus was coming up from the waters of Jordan, a voice spoke from Heaven, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Jesus went into the wilderness, to allow Satan to tempt Him just as Satan tempts us today. For forty days Jesus fasted and then beat down the foe, Satan, with his powerful knowledge of God's will. As He came down from the hills, He was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he walked, talked, and lived among men for three years.
John wrote in his gospel (20:30) "Now Jesus did many other signs ill the presence of the disciples which are not recorded in this book. But these were written so that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name." And John recorded that Jesus raised the dead to live again, made the blind to see, made the lame to walk, cast out demons, made food for five thousand from a few loaves of bread and a few fish, stilled the seas during a storm, and walked upon water. Yet even these displays of power did not convince the Jews to whom God sent the Son as a Savior and King. Instead they sought to kill Him.
On a Thursday night, Jesus met with his apostles, in the city of Jerusalem, to take the Passover meal with them. It was here on a solemn occasion, that Jesus told them He must soon die. That it was God's will that He give His life for His friends. He drank wine and broke bread with them, and told them, to remember Him when they did this from that time forward, to be reminded of His death and His promise to come again to take His own to a place He was going to prepare for them.
Later that night He spent time in the garden of Gethsemane to pray with and seek comfort from the company of His Father. His prayer was ended by the clamor of swords and the shouts of angry men sent to arrest Him. Around midnight Jesus was arrested and sent to trial. On tramped up charges, the Jewish authorities tried the Lord in an illegal, night-time trial. They had Him beaten, spit upon, slapped, and humiliated Him. That was not enough, they wanted Him to die. In the early morning they carried Jesus to the Governor of Judea, Pontus Pilate. After hearing His case, Pilate could find no charge against Jesus, but the authorities of the Jews demanded the death of the man of Nazareth. Pilate had Him scourged, stripped, mocked, hoping that would appease the crowd, finally sending Him to Herod, where again He was beaten, and shamed. But, at last Pilate had to give in to the cry of the crowd, "Crucify Him, Crucify Him."
Sometime that Friday morning, Jesus was placed on a wooden cross and knees were sunk into Him arms, a cold nail was placed on his wrist and driven with force through skin and muscle, pinning Him to the cross. It was not those nails that held Him to the cross, nor was it the fear of the Roman swords, but it was His love for you and me. Hours of agony, unable to breath, pain that was unbearable, body moisture drained, taunts and jeers from the crowd, and worse, He became sin for you and I and His Father in Heaven forsook Him. Jesus died, yet in dying His power was proclaimed, the skies darkened and the dead walked, an earthquake split the temple and shook Jerusalem. They buried Him before 6:00 that Friday and laid Him in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, the Jews insisted on a guard of soldiers to keep anyone from stealing the body. But on that Sunday morning, Jesus rose from the dead, the action of power that none can dispute came only from God the Father. He appeared to Mary, to Peter and the apostles later to 500 at one gathering. At last He stood on a hill and angels watched as He began to ascend into Heaven, as He rose, He said to his apostles, "Go everywhere and tell the good news." Jesus can be your Savior. He wants you to belong to Him. He gave His life for you. He promised to return again. When He returns He wants to take those who love and are obedient to His will to live with Him for all eternity. When He returns He will destroy and condemn to the fires of hell those who do not love Him or have not obeyed His will. Jesus can be your friend, a wonderful loving friend, or he can be the worse enemy you have in all eternity. He wants to help you.

          The Story Of Eid-Al-Adha Or Bakrid

Bakrid is also known as Eid-ul-Zuha or Eid-al-Adha which means the Eid of sacrifice. This festival is celebrated with great joy and fervour all over the world. Eid-al-Adha is celebrated by the Muslim community on the 10th day of the Muslim month of Zul-Hijja. On this auspicious day, the Muslims are supposed to sacrifice a goat and offer prayers at the mosque. There is an interesting story behind the celebration of this festival. It marks the spirit of sacrifice. Let us have a look as to why Bakrid is celebrated. Story Of The Sacrifice: This festival is a commemoration of Hazrat Ibrahim's great test of obedience to Allah. Once Hazrat Ibrahim saw a dream in which Allah ordered him to sacrifice his most precious thing. He kept seeing the dream for many days. Then he described the dream to his wife that Allah wants him to sacrifice his most precious thing. After much discussion, Hazrat Ibrahim and his wife decided to sacrifice their only son for the sake of Allah because their son was most precious for both of them. The he asked his son, Ismail for his consent. Ismail readily agreed to be sacrificed for the sake of Allah. Hazrat Ibrahim was all set to sacrifice his son at the gallows. As he put the sword at his son's throat, Hazrat Ismail vanished and he was replaced by a sheep. Then there was a prophecy that Allah was only testing Hazrat Ibrahim's faith. He need not sacrifice his son and he could sacrifice a ram or a sheep instead. Hence, the festival of Bakrid or Eid-al-Adha came to be celebrated. There are a few guidelines regarding the sacrificed meat in Islam. According to the rules, the sacrificed meat is to be divided into three parts. The larger part of the meat is to be shared with all the poor and needy who cannot afford to have meat or a meal of the day. The two smaller parts are to be shared with friends, relatives and family. Eid-ul-Zuha is a time of celebration. People offer prayers at the mosque. The prayers can only be offered when the sun has completely risen. Women are also encouraged to attend the prayers however it is not compulsory. The distribution of the sacrificed meat among the poor is the most important part of the festival. This distribution is done to make sure that no impoverished person is left without an opportunity to partake the meat. Thus, Muslims celebrate Bakrid or Eid-al-Adha to mark the spirit of sacrifice. It is a time of great joy and lavish feasts. More than that this festival is a celebration of unity and brotherhood.

Read more at: http://www.boldsky.com/yoga-spirituality/faith-mysticism/2013/the-story-of-bakrid-035802.html

Saturday, October 4, 2014

 14 Pictures That Tell Us Ramayana       Might Have Actually Happened                                  

                                    HAPPY dASARA

There is a great deal of debate about whether there is any historical accuracy in the story of Ramayana. For many of us, this is a no-brainer. The fact that our elders had told us the heroic story of Lord Ram's victory over Raavan was enough. And then there's the if-there's-a-TV-show-about-it-it-must've-happened crowd.
But that's not how history works.
There are many things about the Ramayana that are absolutely mythological. A demon king with ten heads? Yeah, right. Talking monkeys? Nope. Didn't exist. Demon uncle that could morph into a deer? Don't think so. A flying chariot? No way. Demi-god who could take the form of a vulture? Again, no. But here's the thing - Ramayana wasn't originally written as a historical text but as an  epic poem. Whether we like it or not, creative liberty was a thing back then too.

But if we remove all the myth from the story, it is basically about an exiled prince waging war against a king from another kingdom who kidnapped his wife. And that could have happened. We cannot prove or disprove anything. But at least we can present a list of places that are mentioned in the Ramayana. 

The place in Ayodhya where Hanuman was patiently waiting while Ram was in exile, is now a temple called Hanuman Garhi.

There's an actual Janki Temple in Janakpur in Nepal. Janki, as we know, is another name for Sita, Janaka's daughter.

When Ram, Sita and Lakshman went into exile, they set up a hut in Panchavati, which is an actual area near Nashik. Tapovan, a nearby spot, is where Lakshman encountered Surpanakha.

When Sita was abducted by Raavan, they bumped into Jatayu, a demi-god in vulture form, who tried his best to stop Raavan. Lepakshi, in Andhra Pradesh, is said to be the place where Jatayu fell.

Ram, accompanied by Hanuman, met the dying Jatayu. Ram helped him attain moksha by uttering the words "Le Pakshi"which is Telugu for "Rise, bird". Hence the name, Lepakshi. There's also a large footprint in that area which is said to be that of Hanuman's.

Ram Sethu, the bridge made of stones built by Ram's army that connected the mainland to the island kingdom of Lanka, actually exists, albeit now, it's underwater.

Meanwhile, in Lanka, Raavan's devotion to Lord Shiva earned him the respect of the God. So much so that he built his devotee a temple. This is the only time when a temple is dedicated to the one who prayed and not the one being prayed to. Today, it exists as Koneswaram Temple in Sri Lanka.

Here's the part of the temple where Raavan has been idolized. While having 10 heads is an exaggeration, the idea is based on the fact that Raavan ruled 10 kingdoms which meant that he had 10 different crowns.

It is said that the Kanniya hot wells near the temple were also built by Raavan. They still exist.

When Raavan brought Sita to Lanka, he first took her to this place called Sita Kotuwa, which is now a tourist spot in Sri Lanka.

From here, he took her to the beautiful forest, which in Valmiki's text was called Ashok Vatika. There is an actual Ashokavanam in Sri Lanka.

When Hanuman reached Ashok Vatika, he is said to have come in the form of a giant. There are giant imprints on one side of the lake there which are said to be Hanuman's footprints, formed when he landed. 

When they say "Hanuman set Lanka on fire" what they actually mean is he set fire to certain parts of Raavan's palace. The ground here is said to be somewhat black which is nothing like the surrounding area. The picture below is from Ussangoda, which according to mythology was the landing strip for Raavan's Pushpak Vimaan.

After Ram rescued Sita from Lanka, he made her go through Agni Pariksha to test her purity. The place where this is said to have happened is Divurumpola in Sri Lanka. There is a tree in that exact spot and even today, local disputes are settled through debates and discussions under that tree.

The fact that these places actually exist is perhaps not enough to prove Ramayana actually happened. But then again, we need to understand that this epic was not written as one definite piece of text. Valmiki collected data from different sources and combined them with his own knowledge of events, (curated content FTW!) which was largely passed down orally through the years. And then other writers too contributed to it by adding details. The thing is, it is a little pointless to argue about the historical accuracy of the Ramayana. Whether it happened or not, is not as important as the message of good triumphing over evil it has spread throughout the passage of time. 

Happy Dussehra to all.


Friday, October 3, 2014

quotations about success

                                                   quotations about success

1) “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;
Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;
Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;
Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it;
Who has left the world better than he found it,
Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;
Whose life was an inspiration;
Whose memory a benediction.”
                                                     by   ''Bessie Anderson Stanley''

2) “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” 
― Winston Churchill

3) “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” 
― Albert Einstein

“If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut” 
― Albert Einstein

5) “If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut” 
― Albert Einstein


6) “I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

7) “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” 
― Robert F. Kennedy

8) “Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.” 
― Winston Churchill

9) “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

10) “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” 
― Napoleon Hill

11) “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” 
― Thomas A. Edison


“To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.” 
― Winston Churchill

13) “To dream by night is to escape your life. To dream by day is to make it happen.” 
― Stephen Richards

14) “There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component. ...But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind.” 
― Deepak Chopra

15) “The true measure of success is how many times you can bounce back from failure.” 
― Stephen Richards

16) “When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.” 
― Stephen Richards

17) “Possessions, outward success, publicity, luxury - to me these have always been contemptible. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best for both the body and the mind.” 
― Albert Einstein


“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.

19) “You don't have to get a job that makes others feel comfortable about what they perceive as your success. You don't have to explain what your plan to do with your life. You don't have to justify your education by demonstrating its financial rewards. You don't have to maintain an impeccable credit score. Anyone who expects you to do any of those things has no sense of history of economics or science or the arts.” 
― Cheryl Strayed,

20) “You WILL eventually become what you think. Whether you succeed or fail is determined in your mind long before we see it play out in real-time.” 
― Mandy Hale